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Tag Archives: Peregrine Falcon

I’ve been driving the SF Bay Area freeways for many years.  So many times I have seen Peregrine Falcons perched on freeway lights, power polls,..  Lots of times.  But they have always been alone.  Never have I seen two together.

Today, on the way home from work, I saw what might have been the sight of my lifetime: Two Peregrine Falcons, sitting on a light fixture, just west of the Dumbarton Bridge Toll Plaza.  One was brown:,r:1,s:0,i:105&iact=rc&page=1&tbnh=172&tbnw=127&start=0&ndsp=9&tx=78&ty=119

and one was blue [ at least in the moments I could see it, it looked blue ] :,r:7,s:0,i:123&iact=rc&page=1&tbnh=172&tbnw=240&start=0&ndsp=9&tx=108&ty=76

I’m assuming they were a mating pair.  The brown bird was larger.  I was thinking that the female is colored brown and the male colorful, but wikipedia says they have the same coloring.  The female is larger.  The Peregrine Falcon mates for life.

Just another romantic Friday afternoon in the Bay Area.

