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Tag Archives: old job

Yes.  Hitchhiker’s Guide.  When it’s time to say goodbye, sometimes there isn’t much to say.

I spent 4 years working hard and learning much.  I guess that is when I’m happiest, when I’m in learning mode.  But even with great technology, sometimes the market is just not right and it is taking just a bit too much time.  That means something has got to be done.  So, before that something, I decided to leave for greener pastures.

With the new job in the pocket, I had to say goodbye to the old.  It was tough.  People make the difference in the workplace.  These are good people.  But after a final yoga class and sandwiches.. no, no goodbye lunch for me, I shook some hands and left.  It was like a weight was lifted.  Funny how you don’t realize how the fishbowl looks from inside the fishbowl.

The next day was the next job.  Good job.  A place to learn lots of new things.  A solid company.  A new start.  But as I sit here at home after my first full week, I can’t help but think about how chance lines things up.  Sometimes for success.  Sometimes for failure.  If you’ve ever read “The Unbearable Lightness of Being” [a bit racy] by Milan Kundera.. six chance events that bring us to our fate…

Where ever you end up, there you are.

Sometimes there is nothing left to say, except ..

Thanks for all the fish.

