Okay, this is for an American audience, used to driving on the right and entering freeways on the right with the fast lane on the left. It is also an over-reaction, though I know I don’t have to point it out .. Most people are good. Most people are thoughtful. Most people are considerate. That said ..
There are those that will drive in the fast lane holding a line of cars behind them hostage. They can often drive the next slower lane at the same speed, but end up matching speeds with those slower lanes, and thus impeding traffic. What results is a furious flurry of cars zig zagging to pass on the right.
It is a symptom of Entitlement. It has always existed. We were warned 2000 years ago that the first shall be last and the last, first. It is not a “problem” when it is only the rich or powerful or elite that act this way. I’m not saying that it is good, but rather that it is not debilitating. When the masses act in this manner, society itself comes to a grinding halt. We see that all the time. It becomes debilitating when it comes as an intransigent stance. One supported by fervor and belief that there is only one correct road, and that road is “my” road. Of course, there is no one road, no one way.
So commuting down 880 four days a week, I ask that you be willing to move over and drive in that slower lane that is moving at your speed.. not because you have to.. but because it is in final assessment, good for America.