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Monthly Archives: April 2014

Look at this picture. To take it, we had to get up at 4am and drive the 35 miles to the trail head of the Zion Canyon overlook so that we could get a parking space and hike up the 1.5 miles before everyone else took up all the choice spots along the edge. There were no stars. It was cold and overcast. We were the first in the parking lot, the first on the trail, and the first to the canyon overview. The clouds filled the sky. No one else bothered, realizing that there would be no blue sky this morning.

Zion Canyon Overview

Zion Canyon Overview

And then, on the horizon, a break in the clouds allowed this beautiful sunrise with a stormy back drop. The light show lasted 10 minutes. Then it was gone, having shown for only the two of us. Life is being there hoping…


You hear about the fight/flight mechanism.  Aikido is not fighting.  Certainly there is no flight.  I get a glimmer of the essence of it all during katatetori, when uke grabs my wrist.  If I make a fist making it strong, then I’ve given uke something concrete and substantial to hang onto.  It is about me.  It is about my wrist.  If I let it go limp and surrender, uke has it completely and again it is about me.  I’ve disowned my wrist.

What then is left?  Uke has hold of my wrist.  He has hold of my arm.  He has hold of my torso.  He is holding my body.  And of course, I am holding Uke’s body.  If I see this, then I see more than my wrist.. more than his grip on my wrist.. I see both Uke and myself.  This then is the beginning point.

I see it here.
