He was yelling. Actually, he was screaming. There is an edge to the voice when someone screams. He was double parked next to a van stopped in the pickup area in front of the library entrance. It isn’t really a pickup area since there is no widening of lanes to allow an unobstructing stop.
He was screaming at the van about stopping and blocking traffic. He must have sworn because someone commented about the foul language. Fifty or so people stood around in disbelief witnessing this display.
He gunned the engine and his rather nice silver car jumped violently forward a couple of feet. The car looked and felt very much like a weapon. There were mothers and young children around. Teens carried books. There were many cars around. Many in some state of wait. Waiting to pass. Waiting to park. Waiting even to just get out.
It was crowded. It was a bother. At 3:30, the edge of school time with the school time crowding. I did feel the annoyance.
On the back end of a horrific day, perhaps the events pushing inward would lead to anger.
We are all human. We are all subject to the pressures from without, mounting on the pressures from within, potentially leaving one screaming in some library parking lot.
The solution for us? There is no solution without seeing. So the first step is to watch. Today you may not be able to stop what might come, but tomorrow you will change nothing unless you first see.
The car drove away in moments. There was no screeching of tires. No more yelling. The car gone, the question remains: What of the rage within?
One Fine Wednesday | at 3:30 pm | Just after school has let out.