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BSA Sign


As I did my morning sit, I reflected back on recent changes

  • The 5 hour airplane flight – Not as bad as I remembered it being
  • The leaving of a high energy minister at church – I am sad
  • The business dinner that I didn’t have much energy for
  • The stiff body from a new bed in the hotel
  • And the list goes on and on….

The take away is that I am not wanting change in my life.  This is a big shock to me; I have always wanted change, embraced , been excited. I was the advocate for change.  And now, I am aware that I don’t want change in my life, I am comfortable, I have a wonderful wife that I spent years working on myself and looking for, I have a job that I am very comfortable working in.  I have a nice set of friends that appreciate and accept me for who I am, warts, stars and all.  It is the feeling sense of not wanting change that is somewhat frightening as the energy and enthusiasm of adventure has permeated my life.

There are some things that have not changed, and I am grateful for some of these

  • When the restaurant person cleared away the table at breakfast and said the mandatory ‘have a nice day’,  and I responded by looking them in the eye and saying “Thank You,  you have a good day”
  • I still smile as I pass them in the hall
  • I still say please and thank you

I can still choose to embrace change, though it takes a greater degree of consciousness, and I can be grateful that I am still a Boy Scout at heart; Trustworthy, Loyal, Friendly, Courteous, Kind,…

This is something that I don’t have to fret over, and more will be revealed  (change) over time.



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